BD to grow sales!

BD has market results on the horizon as an end result. It is possible however, that market result lies somewhat further ahead in time for BD than it does for account management. Because BD focuses more on new markets, portfolios and propositions than sales and account management, the time span to market success can and often will be a longer one. Many organizations are caught by a certain impatience during the BD process – or a concrete falling behind of order intake – and will then impose short term sales goals on the BD function.
Thorough BD precedes this. On the other hand, BD has to recognize when the process is advanced enough to reach sales and to embed the development in the standing organization. 

The following simple model is taken from the RSM school of management and depicts how BD is a separate process, to be integrated into the standing organization at a right time. Too early insertion has proven to lead to failure of the development in many cases! Too late insertion will reduce precious return on investment.

Marketing4B2B has performed Business Development for a variety of industrial cases and will help getting you there. Not with just reports, but with actual sales initiation if so desired.

Marketing & business development for B to B markets